An Unbiased View of Crystal

This concept applies equally in one, two, and 3-dimensional spaces. The complete crystal lattice might be produced by consistently reproducing the pattern of the unit cell in all Instructions.



水碧:《山海经》中,水晶又被称作水碧: �?又南三百里,日耿山,无草木,多水碧 �?,郭璞注�?�?亦水玉类 ”。这种称谓常被文人所引用,晋代郭景纯《璞江赋》道�?�?鬼,水碧�?�?。水晶又有人称它叫玉瑛。《符瑞图》载�?美石似玉,水精谓之玉瑛也�?”

There's also many materials that resemble crystals but are actually polycrystals. Polycrystals variety when microscopic crystals fuse together to kind a good. These materials usually do not encompass ordered lattices.

Monoclinic �?Characterized by 3 unequal axes, two of which intersect at an oblique angle, while the third is perpendicular to the airplane of the other two.


Ionic Crystals: Electrostatic forces kind ionic bonds. A common case in point is often a halite or salt crystal.

13Nearly all pcs consist of a quartz-crystal clock to control their operation.几乎所有的计算机都有一个石英晶体时钟来调节它们的运行。



Crystallography could be the study of crystals, and check here it promotions with everything from fantastic geometric styles to seemingly random conglomerations of particles and minerals.

水玉:中国最古老的称法叫水玉,意谓似水之玉,又说是 �?千年之冰所�?�?。唐代诗人温庭筠《题李处士幽居》写道:�?水玉簪头白角巾,瑶琴寂历拂轻�?”。水玉一词最早频繁出于《山海经》:�?又东三百里,日堂庭之�?…�?多水�?”;�?丹山出焉,东南流注于洛水,其中多水玉 ”;�?逐水出焉,北流注于渭,其中多水玉 ”。司马相如《上林赋》曰�?�?水玉磊河 �?。水晶得名水玉,古人是看�?�?其莹如水,其坚如�?�?的质地。


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